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Saturday, April 24, 2010

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Objective- Energy Education to Industry

 -To discuss with the industry " How to Comfort the Machines first so as to get more Delivery now and Sustain later" 
-To pinpoint to the industry  to view their their  Energy Consumption by method - Cause & Effect Matrix. To catalyze the industry to give thrust to some of the Focus areas, the Low Hanging Fruits.

About Us 
The site is started with the intention of imparting energy education to the industry with the concept of " Energy - Measure to Manage "

The founder is a BEE certified Energy Auditor, Energy Advisor and Energy Conservation Techniques Trainer, a Professional with 30 years of Industry Experience in Maintenance and Projects & Now in the Energy Management aspects 
Energy conservation is a habit (like charity) that begins at home
 Converge your minds to Conserve more at Home and in the Industry.
Teaming  more minds in the industry to save energy results in Actions i.e. Implementation of more Energy Conservation Measures.

A push of Energy conservation by way of  the Levering  the industry,  lifts Ton  Load of Benefits to the industry. 
Energy saving Measure to  industry 
You give little Push thro Energy Savings, down on one side of Lever as Fulcrum, you can lift up on the other side, Ton  Load of Benefits, by the Principle of Lever. 


  • Car owners need to plant 17 trees every year to counter the greenhouse emissions of their cars. Trees give many benefits for decades to us and even to our great grand children.
  • Be local, buy local - The blueberries in your cereal may have traveled thousands of kilometers to get to your bowl. Buy local produce. It conserves fuel, cuts pollution & boosts local economy.
  • In your vehicle, Air filter prevents dust from fouling the engine.  Dust causes rapid wear of engine components and increases fuel consumption. Remember Cylinder bores wear out 45 times faster in engines without air-cleaners. Please clean air filters regularly and frequently depending on your usage.
  • The condition of your Spark plug will tell you about the inside Engine Condition. The plug when removed from engine; reveals that it is Normal or Fouled by oil or Fouled by soot or Overheated. If normal means engine is healthy. In  other three abnormal conditions, engine is not healthy and consume more petrol
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  • When you travel in your vehicle on the road around 40 km per hour, you are like sitting in an imaginary chair and moving at a speed of 40 feet per second. You should be surprised just by the twist of your wrist, your Chair has moved to 40 feet in a second. Always be alert & cautious at higher speeds.
  • Imagine when you zip past at speed of 40 feet per second, the wearing of helmet is necessary. But more important, is your eyes safety. Your eyeballs face directly the impact of speed and by nature, your eye brows converge to protect. But what you must do today is to buy big Sun glasses to protect your eyes against traffic speeds and sunlight related radiation hazards.  Eyes are soft & precious. Take care.
  • If you analyze why accidents happen in the road because, when we go in straight line, there is less problem anticipated. But when you just slightly turn your vehicle right or left side, without looking your rear view mirrors, then definitely you are more prone to accidents on road.
  • It is irony that many two wheelers on roads don’t have rear view mirrors The moment you start your vehicle from your house, clean your rear view mirrors first (always you find full of clouds once you are back home in previous evening) and check at your regular sitting position in the vehicle, you are able to see the rear view completely through the two left and right rear view mirrors.
  • You may be a Banker, Engineer or Lawyer by profession. But your frame of mind on the road is that you’re a road user. You are a Sama Anniyan that is Saamaniyan, after all; one among the road crowd. Give respect and take respect to the other road users. Be alert to the road happenings around you.
  • At times, when you go at higher speeds on the road, just think! “In a second, if I apply my brake, when will my vehicle stop to stand still, and after how many feet ahead after how many seconds later?”  Accidents happen in road not only due to unsafe condition of the road, but also due to our self- centered thinking,  being extra confident and extra casual in our approach to others in the road.
  • Presently, the digital count down timer LEDs consumes 10 watts only at traffic signal (compared to old neon bulbs which consumed 100 watts each). They have helped to reduce to pollution at the traffic signal.  We switch off our vehicle at the road signal now. And previously the vehicle was always ON with one hand accelerating & other hand braking. Then & there, we lost petrol on idling our engine.
  •   But at the road signal now also, Out of 10 vehicles, say 8 vehicles switch off on seeing the count down timer of above 40 sec. The remaining 2 vehicle owners are afraid to stop the vehicle because if they switch it off, they are not sure whether it will re-start in one kick or button press! So, better condition your vehicle so that it is in your control and you are confident of its running on roads.


  • Wasting water wastes electricity. Because the biggest use of electricity in most cities is supplying water.
  • Fresh water runs in flush tank of toilets in many houses.  One full standard toilet flush in the developed world uses as much water as the average person in the developing world uses in a day, i.e., for everything. Please keep in mind that water you waste today in your area is needed by many in tail end areas of water supply in your town. Global Fresh water reserves now is only 3 % & hence water is precious.
  • 1 KG of rice we eat today needs 1400 liters of water to be produced. 1 KG of wheat needs 1100 liters of water to be produced. Hence food wastage is a crime and takes all steps to prevent wastage.
  • Gold needed to produce one ring creates an average of 20 tons of toxic waste, which finds its way into the water supply. We know why our drinking water is contaminated compared to decades back supply.
  • Save one liter or more, precious water in each flushing cycle by placing a liter PET water bottle filled with water, inside the water closet system. This is easy to do.
  • Add flow restrictors into all your pipe taps where you think you are consuming more. These are not expensive, save good quantity of water, and direct the water from the tap to the point of usage.
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  • In your water pumps, Use right  sized capacitor near motor terminals to avoid damage to motor
  • Tighten belts and pulleys at regular intervals to avoid energy losses due to drag
  • Use foot valves of low resistance and ISI marked type to save upto 10% power
  • Use RPVC suction pipes to save upto 10% power and discharge pipes too.
  •  Please automate the level control in your overhead tank & sum. People talk of Vaasthu after wasting gallons of water overflowing from their over head tanks daily. Water is Money and that is in turn Lakshmi. Please conserve to sustain. Practical instances show where water is abused & wasted, there seems to be, detoriation of Healthiness and Happiness.
  • Throttle your primary isolation valve near wash basin, and this will coarse regulate the pressure and flow of water and you see, water just flows thin instead of splashing in your wash basin.
  • People think much of Vaasthu. It is nothing but the science of bringing in the positive energy to the premises and throwing out the negative energy out of premises. Mind you, the positive and negative energy does not come not only thro gadgets & machines only to premises, but also thro the human beings coming in and out of the premises.
  • Give comfort to others now and be comforted later. You should be like – Where ever you go (in), people are happy and you should be not like - When ever you go (out), people are happy. Who are YOU?
  • Thanks to an MLM Company, now people apply only bean size of paste across their tooth brush. Before we used an inch of paste along the tooth brush.  This paste material saving today, helped to clean our teeth better. Before, more paste & fast gobbling only, now less paste & more brushing & clear teeth.


  • Check the color of flame in the LPG stove. It must be Bright Blue color. If is orange, yellow or non- uniform then your burner needs cleaning. For any equipment the loss is more and frequently occurring at the point of distribution only. LPG loss happens more at Burner, the point of distribution.
  • Use wide bottomed shallow vessel of breadth 10 inches or 25mm above burner so that flame is spreads only at bottom & not creeping on its sides this will reduce your cooking time and the kitchen also does not get hot.  See today the flame in your stove and your vessels wide enough to cover the flame. It is a good practice to cover cooking vessels and pans with a lid, as an open vessel loses heat to the atmosphere, which means a waste of fuel.
  • Whenever you change the cylinder to the stove, first write with a wet chalk piece the date of taking the new cylinder on cylinder wall. You must know number of days each cylinder supplying gas to your house.
  • A coating of undissolved salts is usually found on the insides of kettles and Cookers. Even 1 mm millimeter thick coating can reduce the flow of heat to the vessel’s contents. This increases your fuel consumption by as much as 10%. Remember Cooking vessels should always be scrubbed clean.
  • Make full use of pressure cooker. It takes only one third of time compared to conventional cooking Pressure cookers used with separators lead to substantial fuel saving. Locate the separators now.
  • LPG SAFETY: - This Liquefied Petroleum Gas is a clean high octane eco-friendly fuel. LPG in gaseous state is nearly twice as heavy as air. Any leakage of LPG.  Therefore, tends to settle down at floor level, particularly in depressions, pits, drains etc. Ground level ventilation to disperse leaking gas & prevent accumulation is therefore most important. LPG can be ignited by static electric charges, tiny sparks, etc.
  • Vaasthu rules reflect safety. Keep your kitchen or back door closed in the evening. First thing in the morning is to open the back door or window at kitchen and start your morning duty. This habit makes the lady not to switch on kitchen lights first, but first open the natural lighting & ventilation and resume.
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  •  However, liquid LPG is almost half as heavy as water. Liquid LPG when expanded generates 250 volumes of gaseous LPG. That is 1 liter LPG liquid gives out 250 liters of LPG gas.  For comparison sake, you must know 1 KG of LPG is 11000 Kilo calories where as 1unit of Electricity is 860 Kilo calories only. The leakage of liquid LPG is therefore very dangerous. Have you capped your LPG cylinder not in use?
  • In the commercial establishments & canteens etc, Use LPG flow metering and Digital weigh scales to weigh your cylinder. They are available for few thousand Rupees. This is worth the buy, considering the huge consumption you do it commercially. You can account for what work you have consumed so much.
  • As a domestic consumer, please think of the subsidy we receive, when compared to a commercial consumer. So to reciprocate the same, it is our duty to conserve the usage of LPG cylinder in our kitchen use; so delay & extend the date of refill. The more the days, we take to refill shows our usage efficiency.
  •  Kindly remember more than the half the export earnings got by India is spent towards this crude & LPG import bill. Please keep in mind the fossil fuel like crude etc is fast depleting in India and globally. Hence, the thrust idea is to conserve in electricity, petrol, diesel and LPG etc this is the Cheap & Best Energy Source now available in our hand and it is up to us to fully make use of Conservation everywhere.
  • Apart from cooking, we have other appliances like mixi, grinder etc and please look into the safety aspects. . Any abnormal heat or sound symptoms of the same from the power point socket, wire, and at the appliance show that the appliance is losing energy first and later will fail. So it is better to act before.


  • Check your water heater: If its surface is hot or even warm, some of the energy used is being wasted. Insulator in water heater started conducting heat. Please replace insulation this costs few hundreds only.
  • The power line to Electric water heater should be adequate and the earthing at power point is a must. The plug and socket switch should be located away from water splash. The switch should not be hot to touch when switched on for many minutes.
  • In general, the ELCB in your house should be checked once in a month by its test button or as recommended by manufacturer. This routine keeps the electrical distribution healthy in your house circuit.
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  • To help reduce heat loss, always insulate hot water pipes, especially where they run through unheated areas. Never insulate plastic pipes. Even you find the concealed pipes are not insulated type before. Your finger can sense concealed Hot water line beneath the wall near water heater. This is invisible loss.
  • Also, we have to set our Electric storage water heater at a temperature that is 10* plus 37*C our body temperature. 47*C (instead of 60*C now). Warm water is better to health than hot water in long run & 20 % power savings.
  • A coating of undissolved salts is usually found on the inside water heater. Even 1 mm millimeter thick coating can reduce the flow of heat to the vessel’s contents. This increases your power consumption by as much as 10%. Every year before putting the heater to heavy daily use, treat the internals with chemicals and scrub it clean.
  • One 100 liter Solar Water heater can save 1500 units per house per year. Do you and your family save 1500 units yearly? If so, you have helped to avoid burning 1500 KG of coal to produce your 1500 EB units.
  • Hence sitting at your house, you can do charity to others and our nation. Are you doing it? That’s why people say Energy Conservation like Charity begins at home first and is carried to society, on roads and in our place of work. Please have the Will to Serve Nation directly and indirectly.


  • Use fan as first line of defense against summer heat. Ceiling fans, for instance, cost about 30 paisa an hour to operate - much less than air conditioners (Rs10 per hour).
  • Heat enters our house or building in the following ways. Through the Terrace 50 %, then come thro doors and windows 30 %, through the walls 15 % and etc. So please think of preventing the solar heat entering thro the terrace. This can be through cost effective non contact Asbestos sheets and many other ways exist to reduce. There are many ways to reduce heat ingress on your open terrace. Please do it first!
  • Check the air breeze from the fan is felt on the floor or at the walls and escaping out thro windows. Are we getting blast of air or gentle & smooth air breeze? If air is breezing thro us, it comforts us by evaporative cooling.
  •  If air is blasting on us say for whole night, we get up tired next day morning.  It is not good for health to sleep under continuous air blast from fan for long hours.
  • Use Step type switching (instead of knob type) Electronic fan Regulator and Save 30 % power. The old box type regulator only regulates the air breeze but the fan is consuming full power only.
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  • We get two types of ceiling fan in market. Heavy weight types and it consumes around 80 watts.  You lifted the fan head with two hands before, and now you can lift 2 fan heads with one hand. Branded light weight type and it consumes around 50 watts only. The performance is same. Changing the fan is next, but first you see how much more dust weight sits on your fan. Frequently. Once dust seen, clean it early.
  • Where you find ceiling fan making heavy engine sounds, it is better to look into its bearings. People are making the old fans efficient by changing the bush inside and put double side new ball bearings.
  • The common man distinguishes between the gliding friction and rolling friction. The rolling friction is lower than gliding friction. It is wake up call for industry to know their bearing friction is gliding or rolling and first give attention to the Drive end bearing of motor, as they first face the impact of power of motor say 20 hp motor at 1500 revolutions per minute rotation. After this only, comes the load consumption.
  •  The abnormal hot spots, sound etc indicate the inefficiency. Invariably, you find on all your old fan regulators, the white wall above the regulator had gone grey due to resistance type rheostat had failed already. This fan will sweep in one speed only! Whatever position you keep on regulator. Better to replace with Electronic type regulator.
  • Now Bureau of Energy Efficiency BEE in Standards and Labeling program has come with Star ratings for consumer appliances like tube light, fridge, ceiling fan, motor, Air conditioner, washing machine, TV, etc. The more the power savings in each machine the more the stars (star from 1 to 5 rating) now as consumer, we can buy efficient machine based on BEE star label rating fixed on the machine.


  • Referring to your existing old conventional 165 liters Fridge, Keep your refrigerator's coils clean. Brushing or vacuuming the coils can improve efficiency by as much as 30 per cent.
  • Refrigerator motor and compressor generate heat. Allow enough space for airflow around refrigerator. If heat gets trapped, if the heat can't escape, the refrigerator's cooling system will work harder and use more energy. You see the fridge in grocery shop fully crowded. How is it in your house?
  • Make sure that refrigerator's rubber door seals are clean and tight. They should hold a slip of paper snugly. If paper slips out easily, replace the door seals. Imagine fridge as a water tank 165 liter size and inside air leaks out is like water dripping thro the drain outlet. This is visible loss happening in fridge.
  • Check your fridge front door today. See to it that it is closing automatically once you leave your hands off. Tilting the fridge with the fridge front bottom screws so that, by gravity the door starts closing back gradually & automatically. And finally the magnetic latches in door only seal the door. The idea is more the time gap between opening & closing of fridge door, it is loss of cool air and hence more power losses.  
  • Give rest to your fridge 1 hour in the morning by switching off. Whole night it has worked and ice upto 6 mm builds up in Freezer. Now this 1 hour rest is power saving, no icing in freezer & fridge is efficient. For manual defrost refrigerator, accumulation of ice reduces cooling power acting as unwanted insulation.
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  • Branded gadgets are available in the market and this gadget can be hooked between the power socket and the fridge and they do the Auto Defrosting as per the time settings we set in that.
  • So kindly look into any branded and trusted gadget which can be added to our existing inefficient appliance and make it more efficient. This is economically viable option instead of replacing the existing to the latest appliance. Saving on the existing appliance is more important, if feasible only.
  • Keep your refrigerator or freezer full. An empty fridge cycles on and off more frequently without any mass to hold the cold. If you are low on foodstuff, keep PET bottles in the freezer in fridge.
  • Lowering refrigeration temperature only wastes power. Set it between 3°C and 5°C, and the freezer temperature between –18°C and –15°C. We have two types of thermostat setting for fridge that is summer set and winter set. Depending on the season, change the settings and achieve power savings.


  • The less difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures of your AC room, the lower will be energy consumption of AC and it is better for our health Too. Keep the difference to minimum practical possible. Our human body gets affected when we move in and out between extremes of 40*C harsh ambient outside and finger biting cold temperature of 20*C plus. Practically speaking, the difference in temperature from outside to inside can be 10 * C only for smooth change over.
  • An AC unit operating in the shade uses as much as 10% less electricity than the same one operating in the sun. Comfort it first & to save more. The high side of the split or the back side of window AC can be provided with cost effective Asbestos shelter. AC efficiency improves by this shelter and the same can be seen from day one in the hour meter hooked on to the AC unit. Did you see how many AC work harder under scorching temperatures especially in open terrace of your buildings?
  • Using ceiling or room fan allows you to set the thermostat higher because the air movement will cool the room. Do use ceiling fan after cooling the roof.  It will allow setting the thermostat at a higher temperature.
  • You can reduce air conditioners’ energy by 30 per cent by shading your windows and walls. Trees and shrubs keep the day's hottest sun off.
  • A good air conditioner will cool and dehumidify a room in about 30 minutes. Is your AC good working?
  • Desk plants are radiation filters! - A plant on your desk acts as a natural filter, absorbing airborne pollutants and computer radiation while replenishing oxygen levels. This is not told for sake of Vaasthu.
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  • Clean the air-conditioner filter every month. A dirty air filter reduces airflow and may damage the unit. Clean filters enable the unit to cool down quickly and use less energy. Dirty filter makes you sick too.
  • Our human body temperature is 37*C we have to set our Air Conditioners at 10* minus our body temp. 27*C (instead of 22* C setting now). Mild and gentle Cool air breeze coupled with ceiling fan is better to health than Cold blast of air & this result in 15 % power savings.
  • If room air conditioner is older and needs costly repair, it's likely to be very inefficient. It may work out cheaper on life cycle costing to buy a new energy-efficient air conditioner.
  • In the water coolers used in the office areas, the user likes to take ice cold water from the water cooler. This is bad for dental health. The temperature setting is adjusted such that the water temperature is around 17*C that is 20* minus the human body temperature.
  • The power circuit to Air conditioner, water cooler etc to be switched off after the evening office hours. You find many fire hazards due to short circuit or malfunction of electrical distribution do happen in unmanned areas after office hours. If protection circuits are active, they don’t happen. Safer bet is to switch off heavy appliances when not required.
  • When safety fails, conservation fails and pollution / hazard starts. Now the harmonics are either generated or manipulated from many of the electrical loads like PC, tube light ballast, Electronic modules etc. So it better to take service of  Power Quality Experts in your premises, study the Harmonics, spikes, surges etc and take adequate precaution. That is to arrest the quality problems at the source points where they originate... So kindly pay attention to the Total Harmonic Distortion THD and check your electrical gadgets are within the threshold harmonic limits.


  • Kindly look into your Electricity bill and from the total EB units consumed, and try to understand the power consumption pattern. After having understood the power consumption pattern, analyze the consumption pattern and identify points of wastage, and take suitable steps to avoid this wastage, and improve upon the inefficient usage of our existing appliances, which consume more now.
  • You know that every drop counts. It’s the same when you account for your home’s total electricity consumption: it is the sum of many appliances’ consumption, from small to large & saving is possible. This paper covers domestic, commercial & office building usages & associated savings.
  • Slim tube lights give better light and consume less electricity. Rs.80/- worth 36 watt tube light gives 3200 lumens of light. Hence we get power saving and increase in lighting efficiency i.e. higher lumens per watt. This is applicable to offices and commercial establishments where in day tube lighting is there.
  • In offices, why we give importance to illumination is that lighting level requirement depends on age of person. A 50 year old man needs thrice the lighting lumens level i.e. three times the light needed by a 30 year old man. Older people 60 & above need double the lighting lumens needed by 50 year old man.
  •  Lighting is a Soft load in Electrical distribution. Install Servo Stabilizer to give safe regulated voltage of 210 Volts for safe lighting and reducing the tube light inventory  & 15 % power saving
  • Grab daylight by using light-colored, loose-weave curtains on your windows to allow daylight to penetrate the room. Also, decorate with lighter colors that reflect daylight inside the premises.
  • Courtesy BEE, PCRA, EB, ET sources. Thanks for visiting the site
  • In commercial segment, avoid neon sign boards. Use white LED sign boards and consume only one tenth of neon power. Show case to others that you are into Conserve Mode.
  • Sunlight is available abundantly free of cost. Make maximum use of daylight and reduce the use of artificial light. Use light from windows. Natural light is more efficient than electric, not to mention free.
  • Use light colored walls and ceilings. Paint and decorate in light colors. Dark colors absorb light. Light colors reflect light. The lighter the colors, the less artificial lighting is required to illuminate the area. Think about illumination concept & lighting control system for a new installation well in advance
  • Lighting devices like bulbs and tube lights consume energy according to their capacities. A so-called zero watt bulb consume 12 to 15 watts / hour. In our old watt hour meter, this zero bulb did not record KW.
  •  Now the new electronic meter records even the small and minute loads and hence the public complain that they show 15 % more than the previous meter. Actually, now only our domestic electronic power meter records what we consume correctly. So let us pay for what we have received and consumed.
  • Dirty tube light & bulb reflects less light; they can absorb 50 per cent of light. So Dust them regularly. Also if you find the white wall has gone grey on top of the choke, also some tube light when you switch on with old choke, they make heavy humming noise, killing the silence. Then it is time to replace the choke.
  • Think of buying Emergency torchlight, Standby lights using LED based. They consume only one third of the power and give back up for long hours. You know now, Traffic signals now glow better with LED lights consuming one tenth of neon power and the count down timer reduces pollution at road signals.
Enhancing lighting efficiency is one of the easiest ways to lower energy bills.