Energy Balance in India
Energy Balance in India points us to judiciously use Electricity for the industry & domestic use. We have to improve the efficiency in all the areas like Generation & usage of Electricity.
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Electricity Cost of Generation
The efficiency of generation of Electricity is low in India and hence the cost of each unit saved is worth more than two units generated. Hence Serve Nation by Conservation.
Go to Link : Electricity Cost of Generation
Efficiency of Usage – Energy
When our primary fossil fuels are depleting, we have to think of rational use of energy for the given application. We have to keep in mind, the efficiency of usage as first priority in usage.
Go to Link : Efficiency of Usage – Energy
Energy Measure & Control
Are we Rupee wise and Paisa foolish in using & conserving the energy to suit to our daily consumption? Thanks to Electronics, we are digitizing the accurate measurement of energy inputs.
Go to Link : Energy Measure & Control
Motor a Consumable
Motor when its converts the energy almost to the maximum and consumes very minimum then it is an asset to the industry. If its consumption is appreciable than its conversion, then it is a liability.
Go to Link : Motor a Consumable
Motor Efficiency vs. Loading
Is our ‘no load loss’ more or our ‘load loss’ is more? Our equipments and we are optimally loaded when our ‘no load loss’ and ‘load loss’ are nearly equal at that given loading conditions.
Go to Link : Motor Efficiency vs. Loading
Where Your Motor Efficiency Stands
The efficiency of our motor is to be tested in the Hot Running Conditions. This indicates the real efficiency practically at the part loaded condition after sustained running at the given application.
Go to Link : Where Your Motor Efficiency Stands
Energy Balance in India points us to judiciously use Electricity for the industry & domestic use. We have to improve the efficiency in all the areas like Generation & usage of Electricity.
Go to Link : Energy Balance in India
Electricity Cost of Generation
The efficiency of generation of Electricity is low in India and hence the cost of each unit saved is worth more than two units generated. Hence Serve Nation by Conservation.
Go to Link : Electricity Cost of Generation
Efficiency of Usage – Energy
When our primary fossil fuels are depleting, we have to think of rational use of energy for the given application. We have to keep in mind, the efficiency of usage as first priority in usage.
Go to Link : Efficiency of Usage – Energy
Energy Measure & Control
Are we Rupee wise and Paisa foolish in using & conserving the energy to suit to our daily consumption? Thanks to Electronics, we are digitizing the accurate measurement of energy inputs.
Go to Link : Energy Measure & Control
Motor a Consumable
Motor when its converts the energy almost to the maximum and consumes very minimum then it is an asset to the industry. If its consumption is appreciable than its conversion, then it is a liability.
Go to Link : Motor a Consumable
Motor Efficiency vs. Loading
Is our ‘no load loss’ more or our ‘load loss’ is more? Our equipments and we are optimally loaded when our ‘no load loss’ and ‘load loss’ are nearly equal at that given loading conditions.
Go to Link : Motor Efficiency vs. Loading
Where Your Motor Efficiency Stands
The efficiency of our motor is to be tested in the Hot Running Conditions. This indicates the real efficiency practically at the part loaded condition after sustained running at the given application.
Go to Link : Where Your Motor Efficiency Stands
The no load characteristics of the motors help you to decide whether the motors are good working and improving the industry efficiency. Or the motors are running badly and are consuming more power for the given industry production.
Go to Link : Know Your Motor
Motors up to 10 HP Indicate More Losses
When you are concentrating on your higher HP motors to save money, your money is silently drained out by the inefficient running of the above motors rated less than 10 HP.
Go to Link : Motors up to 10 HP Indicate More Losses
Transformers Daily Running Losses Matters More Now
When you are reducing the loading levels to match the sanctioned KVA from Authorities, per day loss in transformer is more due to intermittent power cuts and loading levels.
Go to Link : Transformers Daily Losses
Load End Capacitor Burden
The symptom of Our Electrical distribution loss in the industry is shown by the Power factor measured at load ends. Capacitors reduce the burden of more KVA demanded by motors etc.
Go to Link : Load End Capacitor Burden
Pumping System Savings
The savings in pumping system can be achieved from each component of the system right from making suction & discharge bigger and friction less and impeller downsized to match head & flow.
Go to Link : Pumping System Savings
Compressor Healthy Running Parameters
The Compressed Air is Colorless Gold in the industry which is vanishing by leakages in front of our eyes. Display your amount spent on compressed air at the user end Notice Board.
Go to Link :Compressor Healthy Running Parameters
Compressed Air What Supplied & Used
Our focus area is at compressor house pressure drops and at distribution point after the sub header. Air receiver at start, middle & end of the air circuit is zero running cost solution practically.
Go to Link : Compressed Air What Supplied & Used
Thermal Imaging and Energy Saving
It is easy and quick short cut for you to visualize the losses in Electrical and Production areas in a day by the Thermal Imaging, the latest in Predictive Energy Monitoring. This aspect of Condition Based Monitoring & Maintenance helps us to bring down the Losses, happening inside the industry after viewing the HOT SPOTS in the related areas.
Go to Link : Thermal Imaging and Energy Saving
Lighting & Improving Productivity
The lighting efficacy and its application to visual tasking helps to improve the production. First See your Lighting Levels near the equipments are Comfortable to Work & Sustaining ?
Go to Link : Lighting & Power Saving